How to have better skin in five years? than you do now

Hi! Glad you’re here… There are literally SO many topics and avenues that I want to dive into regarding ALL the THINGS Medical Aesthetics, but let’s start first with the basics, shall we? Allow me to introduce myself… My name is Jess and I am a Medical Aesthetician here at Refresh Medical Spa. I […]
The Nonsurgical facelift everyone is talking about

Hi! I know it has been a while since you have heard from us, but we are back and better than EVER! Over the past few months our team has expanded. We have added new services and are thrilled to share with you our newest addition, Nonsurgical Facelift, Morpheus8! She’s here baby… and she is […]
Essential Winter Hydration Hacks

Dry Skin. Like nails on a chalkboard, no one likes the sight or sound of it! Dry skin is common problem for many people during the winter. With exposure to cold temperatures, high winds and lower moisture levels in the air, winter can be detrimental to our skin – stripping it of its natural moisturizing […]
You Can Defy Gravity!

I think one thing we can all agree on is that as the years go by, “things” aka body parts tend to drop. Some parts more noticeable than others… Such as your under chin dropping, or dare I say, doubling? Now, for some of us, a “double chin” can be a hereditary trait. But for […]
The SPF Your skin is carving

You know the saying, you learn something new every day? Well TODAY, we hope you learn more than one thing and that if you can take away anything from today’s lesson, it’s that you need to wear spf DAILY. No. Questions. Asked. You hear it all the time, “wear your sunscreen!”, “You don’t want to […]